We estimate the number of users by analyzing the requests induced by clients to relays and bridges.
This graph shows the estimated number of directly-connecting clients; that is, it excludes clients connecting via bridges. These estimates are derived from the number of directory requests counted on directory authorities and mirrors. Relays resolve client IP addresses to country codes, so that graphs are available for most countries. Furthermore, it is possible to display indications of censorship events as obtained from an anomaly-based censorship-detection system (for more details, see this technical report). For further details check the documentation on Reproducible Metrics.
The following events have been manually collected in the metrics-timeline Git repository and might be related to the displayed graph.
Dates | Places/Protocols | Description and Links |
2016-12-21 to 2016-12-28 | <OR> Relays Unknown |
Drop in relay users.
metrics-team thread thread continues |
2016-12-13 | obfs4 |
Tor Browser 6.5a6 is released. It fixes the app.update.url . It adds (uncomments) the default obfs4 bridge NX01:443. It activates timing obfuscation for certain obfs4 bridges. It changes the port of other obfs4 bridges.
blog post |
2016-12-09 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "December 7 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 1317BB3525E85E01FB34A89E04CE549AC23D07BD , geoip6-db-digest 865048C69BEC02B37268BFBAD66D9729B21CFCF5 ).
commit |
2016-11-22 | meek |
Decreased the rate limit on the meek-amazon bridge to 2.0 MB/s, from 3.0 MB/s.
2016-11-18 | obfs4 |
Default obfs4 bridge Lisbeth turns on timing obfuscation (iat-mode=1 ).
ticket |
2016-11-16 |
Tor Browser 6.5a4 is released. It changes the app.update.url .
blog post ticket |
2016-11-15 | meek |
Tor Browser 6.0.6 is released, unbreaking meek on macOS 10.12 (Sierra). (See 2016-09-20 breaking event.)
blog post ticket |
2016-11-15 | obfs4 |
Default obfs4 bridges ndnop3 and ndnop5 turn on timing obfuscation (iat-mode ).
mailing list post ticket |
2016-11-07 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "November 3 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 363C038D0BE61D6E0A63C43DE8EA70771ED7BEA5 , geoip6-db-digest 6110A2B794AFF0180FD096A4759434CABD289C40 ).
commit |
2016-10-30 | meek |
Increased the rate limit on the meek-amazon bridge to 3.0 MB/s, from 1.0 MB/s.
2016-10-28 | meek |
Decreased the rate limit on the meek-amazon bridge to 1.0 MB/s, from 3.0 MB/s.
2016-10-19 to 2016-11-10 | meek |
Large decrease in meek users, perhaps caused by problems in Orbot 15.0.2 BETA 1 that were fixed in Orbot 15.2.0 RC8.
ticket initial email followup email Orbot mail |
2016-10-05 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "October 4 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest C14DF5AE94101562DEACDD296278B0EFA3EA26E5 , geoip6-db-digest A88A828020A558D37F97CF683D4521270F0511A2 ).
commit |
2016-09-28 | meek |
Rate limit on the meek-amazon bridge returns to 3.0 MB/s, having been set to about 1.0 MB/s for some time, cause uncertain.
2016-09-24 | obfs3 |
Default obfs3 bridge LeifEricson upgrades and begins reporting statistics to the new bridge authority Bifroest. This is the last obfs3 bridge that hadn't upgraded.
2016-09-24 | obfs4 |
Default obfs4 bridge LeifEricson upgrades and begins reporting statistics to the new bridge authority Bifroest. This is the last obfs4 bridge that hadn't upgraded.
2016-09-23 to 2016-11-28 | obfs3 |
Outage of default obfs3 bridges "Unnamed" and "Unnamed" (fingerprint AF9F66B7B04F8FF6F32D455F05135250A16543C9). (Start date not known for sure, though it must have been after 2016-09-23; discussed in non-archived tor-team email.)
2016-09-23 | obfs3 |
Default obfs3 bridges ndnop0 and ndnop2 upgrade and begin reporting statistics to the new bridge authority Bifroest.
post on bridges not reporting statistics |
2016-09-23 | obfs3 |
Default obfs3 bridges "Unnamed" and "Unnamed" (fingerprint AF9F66B7B04F8FF6F32D455F05135250A16543C9) upgrade and begin reporting statistics to the new bridge authority Bifroest.
2016-09-23 | obfs4 |
Default obfs3 bridges ndnop3 and ndnop5 upgrade and begin reporting statistics to the new bridge authority Bifroest.
post on bridges not reporting statistics |
2016-09-20 | meek |
macOS 10.12 (Sierra) is released, breaking some programs that are built with Go <1.7, including the meek-client that comes with Tor Browser. (See 2016-11-15 unbreaking event.)
ticket |
2016-09-07 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "September 6 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 72F8AD2CD7C97D173AD53276366EAD32B13E0A50 , geoip6-db-digest B6427DEAD2291FBF8311A2233AF4960BF4009713 ).
commit |
2016-09-02 | Bridges |
The former bridge authority Tonga shuts down. Bridges that have not updated to tor or (which include all 5 default obfs3 bridges and 3/16 default obfs4 bridges) stop reporting statistics.
shutdown notice blog post loss of reporting bridges |
2016-08-31 | Bridges |
CollecTor begins publishing bridge stats from the new bridge authority Bifroest.
post |
2016-08-24 | Bridges |
tor and are released, changing the bridge authority from Tonga to Bifroest. announcement |
2016-08-18 | meek |
Changed the meek-amazon CDN price class from "All" to "Use Only US, Canada and Europe."
2016-08-12 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "August 2 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 9DD185BEC4F482DDD20A0221B3DD3F40175F0123 , geoip6-db-digest B1C1B6BDC9627E3D87530A2C70578AC69C20C5C6 ).
commit |
2016-07-18 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "July 6 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 19FC902B6A860BA7E4BADCB5404482995F7E0763 , geoip6-db-digest 7E717154718F2065240B90F8132F305AF78C9A9D ).
commit |
2016-06-12 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "June 7 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest DA31976A9C7D48C2C16EA70BCE9006772A0F4A34 , geoip6-db-digest FF1DD08CA9EB6528E1A6389E7154BD9586F24370 ).
commit |
2016-05-30 | fte |
Tor Browser 6.0 released, which lacks the fte pluggable transport on Mac.
6.0 blog post ticket |
2016-05-13 | meek |
meek-google's App Engine instance is suspended and meek-google stops working.
mailing list post |
2016-05-09 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "May 4 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 76631C314A048A59A1D801515CC7FD55CE719499 , geoip6-db-digest C9392F0337A7509F1187890925CF7006F884ECBA ).
commit |
2016-04-28 | fte |
Tor Browser 6.0a5 and 6.0a5-hardened released, which lacks the fte pluggable transport on Mac.
6.0a5 blog post 6.0a5-hardened blog post ticket |
2016-04-07 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "April 5 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest F9DFB82B6F1A480F07F4B87992CBFB7A48CB8DA2 , geoip6-db-digest 769B499E6AE9FE0C2366141B931A3DB1B5489114 ).
commit |
2016-03-27 to 2016-03-31 | meek |
Temporarily ran an experimental branch for IPv6 counting on the meek-azure bridge.
task-18460-2 branch |
2016-03-27 | meek |
Outage of meek-azure bridge, caused by an expired TLS certificate.
2016-03-04 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "March 3 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest A34F49E5A871FA4D243C46C04B67BB3CAAFE6F74 , geoip6-db-digest 9C8C4F7C7612849C88206726FCDA8CB85B8D27F3 ).
commit |
2016-02-04 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "February 2 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 9E16EDBB826B958A7B8B84674EA98B78C13F1177 , geoip6-db-digest DF9538534517275080F8335DDEE4B879A3314ED4 ).
commit |
2016-01-16 | meek |
Increased rate limit of the meek-amazon bridge to 3 MB/s, from 1.1 MB/s.
2016-01-15 | meek |
Increased rate limit of the meek-google bridge to 3 MB/s, from 1.1 MB/s.
2016-01-14 | meek |
Increased rate limit of the meek-azure bridge to 3 MB/s, from 0.8 MB/s.
2016-01-11 | meek |
Enabled client IP statistics on the meek-amazon bridge.
comment |
2016-01-07 | ipv4 ipv6 |
geoip and geoip6 databases updated to "January 5 2016 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country" (geoip-db-digest 44FC92E4D3F8C9A3A49EE9A594790C52E684298A , geoip6-db-digest BB261912C96611967FE5C1AE2700C965DBB8D61C ).
commit |
© 2009–2023 The Tor Project
This material is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0959138. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. "Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are registered trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc.. Data on this site is freely available under a CC0 no copyright declaration: To the extent possible under law, the Tor Project has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights in the data. Graphs are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.