You can search for Tor relays and bridges by using keywords. In particular, this tool enables you to search for (partial) nicknames (e.g., “moria”), IP addresses (e.g., “128.31.”), and fingerprints (e.g., “9695DFC3”). It is also possible to combine searches, e.g., “moria 128.31.”. Finally, you can use qualifiers to search for relays in specific countries (e.g., “moria country:us”), with specific contact information (e.g., “contact:arma”), or with specific flags (e.g., “flag:Authority”).

If you are searching for a bridge, you will need to search by the hashed fingerprint. This prevents leaking the fingerprint of the bridge when searching. You can find this in the hashed-fingerprint file in the Tor data directory. On Debian systems, this is in /var/lib/tor but may be in another location on your system. The location is specified as DataDirectory in your torrc.