<% if(!aggregates) { %> <% if(error == 0) { %>
No Results found!

No Tor relays matched your query :(

Return to home page

<% } else if (error == 2) { %>
Backend error!

Relay Search is unable to get a response from its backend server. This probably means that the backend server is unavailable right now. This can also happen, however, if you did not format your query correctly. Please have a look at the About page that explains what type of search queries are supported by Relay Search.

<% } else if (error == 3) { %>
JavaScript Error!

There is a problem with your javascript environment, you may have noscript enabled on the remote onionoo backend. Try temporarily allowing noscript to connect to the backend IP address. If the problem persits consult the bugtracker.

<% } else if (error == 4) { %>
Query error!

The backend server reports a problem with your query. Please have a look at the About page that explains what type of search queries are supported by Relay Search.

<% } else if (error == 5) { %>
No query submitted!

The search query was found to be empty, which is not supported. You must enter a search query in order to generate results. Please have a look at the About page that explains what type of search queries are supported by Relay Search.

<% } %> <% } else { %>
SVG Not Supported!

Your browser does not support Scalable Vector Graphics. This support is required in order to produce the map view. If you are using Tor Browser on high-security mode, you will need to use either medium- or low-security mode instead to view the map.

">View Table Save Map
<% } %> <% if(aggregates || error == 0) { %>

Information for relays was published: <%= relaysPublished %> UTC.
Information for bridges was published: <%= bridgesPublished %> UTC.

Onionoo version: <%= onionooVersion %>/<%= buildRevision %>

<% } %>